Success goes to your head. Happiness goes to your hips.

Limbic Region on 2004-05-28T16:51:01

Tye McQueen's response when I mentioned my ever increasing waist line at the Monastery.

It resonated with me on many levels.

I certainly haven't had much success lately. I have had problems with the bank, my car, and wedding planning logistics. This of course could very well be attributed to seeing Jean in her wedding dress, multiple times I might add, before the wedding if you buy into that sorta stuff. Parrot is still driving me nucking futs!

I have "Thinking Like Leonardo DaVinci" or something or other - haven't made it past the first couple chapters. I feel like I am in a rut.

No - I feel like my brain is on vacation and forgot to tell me .... At least I am happy.

Waist Not, Want Not

chaoticset on 2004-05-28T18:22:33

I've been having a similar problem in the weight arena. Not really sure what combination of factors is causing it, either. All I know is that all my old pants don't fit anymore and I get winded a little more easily.

Re:Waist Not, Want Not

htoug on 2004-06-01T11:34:42

I'm sure that there is a horde of small buzy gnomes in my cuboard, happily stiching all my pants a little smaller every night.
There is no other possible explanation: they fitted me perfectly just a short while ago, and I haven't grown, oh no - not me, no siree!

Excess weight is curable

btilly on 2004-05-29T21:10:23

The strategy that I used was the Hacker's diet. Worked for losing 20 pounds, and I don't get winded easily any more.

As for why it is good to do that, read The Way We Eat Now and The Deadliest Sin. Coming from a family with a really nasty history of heartattack, stroke, and adult onset diabetes, I take this rather seriously.

And about Tye, well if I was married to his wife I might have a weight problem as well. Something about her being an award-winning cook who likes making desserts...

Re:Excess weight is curable

Limbic Region on 2004-05-30T12:14:48

Losing weight has never been hard for me. I have read the Hacker's Diet and agree in principal but I am a man of extremes - in everything.

I also don't have a hard time gaining weight. Jean has only been here in the US for a little over a month now. It is just extremely difficult since she can't drive nor is public transportation readily available. Between work, taking care of her, planning a wedding that is happening in another stated, yadda yadda yadda - just not easy.

As far as award winning desserts - yummy

Re:Excess weight is curable

jdavidb on 2004-06-04T20:10:57

The great thing about the Hacker's Diet is how you can adopt whatever parts you like. I'm tracking my weight but not doing any meal plans, presently. This is enough to give me an awareness of what I eat and encourage me to be a little more reasonable. There's also the optional exercise program; I actually used that last year for a short while before I started doing weight tracking. Currently I'm not doing the exercises but plan to start them up again soon.


speters on 2004-06-02T02:51:26

At least your problems are making for interesting reading on the mailing list ;-)